Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import ftplib
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path

import appdirs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
import xarray as xr

[docs] def load_eesc(): """ Calculates an EESC from the polynomial values [9.451393e-10, -1.434144e-7, 8.5901032e-6, -0.0002567041, 0.0040246245, -0.03355533, 0.14525718, 0.71710218, 0.1809734] """ poly = [ 9.451393e-10, -1.434144e-7, 8.5901032e-6, -0.0002567041, 0.0040246245, -0.03355533, 0.14525718, 0.71710218, 0.1809734, ] np.polyval(poly, 1) num_months = ( 12 * (pd.to_datetime("today").year - 1979) + pd.to_datetime("today").month ) index = pd.date_range("1979-01", periods=num_months, freq="M").to_period(freq="M") return pd.Series( [np.polyval(poly, month / 12) for month in range(num_months)], index=index )
[docs] def load_enso(lag_months=0): """ Downloads the ENSO from Parameters ---------- lag_months : int, Optional. Default 0 The numbers of months of lag to introduce to the ENSO signal """ data = pd.read_table( "", skiprows=1, skipfooter=4, sep=r"\s+", index_col=0, engine="python", header=None, ) assert data.index[0] == 1979 data = data.to_numpy().flatten() data = data[data > -998] data = pd.DataFrame( data, index=pd.date_range(start="1979", periods=len(data), freq="M").to_period() ) return data.shift(lag_months)
[docs] def load_linear(inflection=1997): """ Returns two piecewise linear components with a given inflection point in value / decade. Parameters ---------- inflection : int, Optional. Default 1997 """ start_year = 1974 num_months = ( 12 * (pd.to_datetime("today").year - start_year) + pd.to_datetime("today").month ) index = pd.date_range("1975-01", periods=num_months, freq="M").to_period(freq="M") pre = ( 1 / 120 * pd.Series( [ t - 12 * (inflection - (start_year + 1)) if t < 12 * (inflection - (start_year + 1)) else 0 for t in range(num_months) ], index=index, name="pre", ) ) post = ( 1 / 120 * pd.Series( [ t - 12 * (inflection - (start_year + 1)) if t > 12 * (inflection - (start_year + 1)) else 0 for t in range(num_months) ], index=index, name="post", ) ) return pd.concat([pre, post], axis=1)
[docs] def load_independent_linear(pre_trend_end="1997-01-01", post_trend_start="2000-01-01"): """ Creates the predictors required for performing independent linear trends. Parameters ---------- pre_trend_end: str, Optional. Default '1997-01-01' post_trend_start: str, Optional. Default '2000-01-01' """ NS_IN_YEAR = float(31556952000000000) start_year = 1974 num_months = ( 12 * (pd.to_datetime("today").year - start_year) + pd.to_datetime("today").month ) index = pd.date_range("1975-01", periods=num_months, freq="M").to_period(freq="M") pre_delta = -1 * (index.to_timestamp() - pd.to_datetime(pre_trend_end)).to_numpy() post_delta = (index.to_timestamp() - pd.to_datetime(post_trend_start)).to_numpy() assert pre_delta.dtype == np.dtype("<m8[ns]") assert post_delta.dtype == np.dtype("<m8[ns]") pre_delta = pre_delta.astype(np.int64) / NS_IN_YEAR post_delta = post_delta.astype(np.int64) / NS_IN_YEAR pre_const = np.ones_like(pre_delta) pre_const[pre_delta < 0] = 0 post_const = np.ones_like(post_delta) post_const[post_delta < 0] = 0 # Check if we need a gap constant pre_plus_post = pre_const + post_const if np.any(pre_plus_post == 0): need_gap_constant = True gap_constant = np.ones_like(pre_plus_post) gap_constant[pre_plus_post == 1] = 0 gap_linear = np.ones_like(pre_plus_post) gap_linear[pre_plus_post == 1] = 0 lt = (index.to_timestamp() - pd.to_datetime(pre_trend_end)).to_numpy() lt = lt.astype(np.int64) / NS_IN_YEAR gap_linear *= lt gap_constant = pd.Series(gap_constant, index=index, name="gap_const") gap_linear = pd.Series(gap_linear, index=index, name="gap_linear") else: need_gap_constant = False pre_delta[pre_delta < 0] = 0 post_delta[post_delta < 0] = 0 pre = pd.Series(-1 * pre_delta / 10, index=index, name="pre") post = pd.Series(post_delta / 10, index=index, name="post") post_const = pd.Series(post_const, index=index, name="post_const") pre_const = pd.Series(pre_const, index=index, name="pre_const") if need_gap_constant: data = pd.concat( [pre, post, post_const, pre_const, gap_constant, gap_linear], axis=1 ) else: data = pd.concat([pre, post, post_const, pre_const], axis=1) return data
[docs] def load_qbo(pca=3): """ Loads the QBO from'. If pca is set to an integer (default 3) then that many principal components are taken. If pca is set to 0 then the raw QBO data is returned. Parameters ---------- pca : int, optional. Default 3. """ import sklearn.decomposition as decomp data = pd.read_table( "", skiprows=9, header=None, index_col=False, names=[ "Month", "Year", "300", "250", "200", "150", "100", "90", "80", "70", "50", "40", "30", "20", "15", "10", ], delim_whitespace=True, ) data.index = pd.to_datetime( {"year": data["Year"], "month": data["Month"], "day": np.ones(len(data))} ) data = data.drop(columns=["Year", "Month"]) data.index = data.index.to_period(freq="M") if pca > 0: from string import ascii_lowercase pca_d = decomp.PCA(n_components=pca) for idx, c in zip(range(pca), ascii_lowercase, strict=False): data["pc" + c] = pca_d.fit_transform(data.values).T[idx, :] return data
[docs] def load_solar(): """ Gets the solar F10.7 from ''. """ data = pd.read_table( "", header=None, delim_whitespace=True, ) data.index = pd.to_datetime( data[0] * 1000 + data[1], format="%Y%j" ) + pd.to_timedelta(data[2], unit="h") solar = pd.DataFrame(data[50]).rename(columns={50: "f10.7"}) solar = solar.where(solar != 999.9) solar = solar.resample("MS").mean() return solar.to_period(freq="M")
[docs] def load_trop(deseasonalize=True): """ Gets the tropical tropopause pressure from The tropical tropopause pressure is automatically deseasonalized by default to remove the strong seasonal cycle. Parameters ---------- deseasonalize : bool, optional. Default True If set to false deseasonalization will not be done. """ path = "Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.derived/tropopause/" filename = "" save_path = Path(appdirs.user_data_dir()) / filename directory = save_path.parent if not directory.exists(): directory.mkdir(parents=True) # Only fetch from the ftp if the file does not exist or is greater than one week out of date. if ( not save_path.exists() or time.time() - save_path.stat().st_mtime > 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ): ftp = ftplib.FTP("") ftp.login() ftp.cwd(path) ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename,, "wb").write) ftp.quit() data = xr.open_dataset(save_path) trop_only = ( data.pres.mean(dim="lon") .where(( > -5) & ( < 5)) .mean(dim="lat") ) if deseasonalize: anom = trop_only.groupby("time.month") - trop_only.groupby("time.month").mean( dim="time" ) else: anom = trop_only return anom.to_dataframe("pres").pres.to_period(freq="M")
[docs] def load_ao(): """ Loads the arctic oscillation index from ncep """ data = pd.read_table( "", delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=["year", "month", "ao"], ) data["dt"] = pd.to_datetime( {"year": data.year, "month": data.month, "day": np.ones(len(data))} ).dt.to_period(freq="M") return data.set_index(keys="dt")["ao"]
[docs] def load_aao(): data = pd.read_table( "", delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=["year", "month", "aao"], ) data["dt"] = pd.to_datetime( {"year": data.year, "month": data.month, "day": np.ones(len(data))} ).dt.to_period(freq="M") return data.set_index(keys="dt")["aao"]
[docs] def load_nao(): """ Loads the north atlantic oscillation index from noaa :return: """ data = pd.read_table( "", delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=["year", "month", "nao"], ) data["dt"] = pd.to_datetime( {"year": data.year, "month": data.month, "day": np.ones(len(data))} ).dt.to_period(freq="M") return data.set_index(keys="dt")["nao"]
[docs] def load_ehf(filename): """ Loads the eddy heat flux data from the file erai_ehf_monthly_1978_2016.txt provided on the LOTUS ftp server in the folder Proxies-Weber """ data = pd.read_table( filename, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, skiprows=4, names=["year", "month", "sh_ehf", "nh_ehf"], ) data["dt"] = pd.to_datetime( {"year": data.year, "month": data.month, "day": np.ones(len(data))} ).dt.to_period(freq="M") data = data.drop(["year", "month"], axis=1) return data.set_index(keys="dt")
[docs] def load_giss_aod(): """ Loads the giss aod index from giss """ filename = "" save_path = Path(appdirs.user_data_dir()) / filename directory = save_path.parent if not directory.exists(): directory.mkdir(parents=True) # Only fetch from the ftp if the file does not exist if not save_path.exists() or time.time(): r = requests.get( r"" ) with, "wb") as f: f.write(r.content) data = xr.open_dataset(save_path) data = data.mean(dim="lat")["tau"].to_dataframe() data.index = data.index.to_period(freq="M") data.index.names = ["time"] # Find the last non-zero entry and extend to the current date last_nonzero_idx = data[data["tau"] != 0].index[-1] last_nonzero_idx = np.argmax(data.index == last_nonzero_idx) # Extend the index to approximately now num_months = ( 12 * (pd.to_datetime("today").year - data.index[0].year) + pd.to_datetime("today").month ) index = pd.date_range( data.index[0].to_timestamp(), periods=num_months, freq="M" ).to_period(freq="M") # New values vals = np.zeros(len(index)) vals[:last_nonzero_idx] = data["tau"].to_numpy()[:last_nonzero_idx] vals[last_nonzero_idx:] = data["tau"].to_numpy()[last_nonzero_idx] return pd.Series(vals, index=index, name="aod")
[docs] def load_glossac_aod(): data = xr.open_dataset( "" ) times = data.time.to_numpy() years = times // 100 months = times % 100 # Extend the index to approximately now num_months = ( 12 * (pd.to_datetime("today").year - years[0]) + pd.to_datetime("today").month ) index = pd.date_range( pd.to_datetime(datetime(year=years[0], month=months[0], day=1)), periods=num_months, freq="M", ).to_period(freq="M") aod = data.sel(wavelengths_glossac=525)["Glossac_Aerosol_Optical_Depth"].to_numpy() latitudes = integration_weights = np.cos(np.deg2rad(latitudes)) integration_weights /= np.nansum(integration_weights) aod = np.trapz(aod * integration_weights[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) extended_aod = np.zeros(len(index)) extended_aod[: len(aod)] = aod extended_aod[len(aod) :] = aod[-1] return pd.Series(extended_aod, index=index, name="aod")
[docs] def load_solar_mg2(): """ Loads the bremen solar composite mg2 index """ data = pd.read_table( "", delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=23, names=["year", "month", "day", "index", "error", "id"], parse_dates={"time": [0, 1, 2]}, index_col="time", ) return data.resample("1M").mean().to_period(freq="M")["index"]
[docs] def load_orthogonal_eesc(filename): """ Calculates two orthogonal eesc terms from the predicted eesc at 6 different ages of air, uses the EESC.txt datafile from the LOTUS ftp server in the folder EESC_Damadeo """ data = pd.read_table(filename, delim_whitespace=True, header=3) import sklearn.decomposition as decomp pca = decomp.PCA(n_components=2) data["eesc_1"], data["eesc_2"] = pca.fit_transform(data.values).T def frac_year_to_datetime(start): from datetime import datetime, timedelta year = int(start) rem = start - year base = datetime(year, 1, 1) return base + timedelta( seconds=(base.replace(year=base.year + 1) - base).total_seconds() * rem ) data.index = data = data.resample("MS").interpolate("linear") data.index = data.index.to_period(freq="M") data = data.drop(["1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "4.0", "5.0", "6.0"], axis=1) data /= data.std() return data
if __name__ == "__main__": load_solar()